Healthy Living
HPV VaccineThis video gives some simple facts about the HPV vaccine
How to treat Acne VulgarisLots of people suffer from 'spots' or Acne Vulgaris. This is a particular problem during your teenage years. Check out this video explaining how to treat your acne.
FatigueWatch this video which gives helpful advice on cancer related fatigue. The information is also relevant for anyone who finds that they are tired all the time.
Healthy Living
Rethink the way we drinkThis video gives some useful advice on problem drinking & the problems associated with alcohol use.
SmokingThis video gives some useful tips on how to approach stopping smoking. Ask one of our doctors for more advice.
Why Vaccinate?This video provides a simple, easy to understand summary of why it is important to get your kids vaccinated.
Understanding the Results
of your Endoscopy (camera) Test
Patient InformationThis is a good resource for patient information on common diseases.
Patient InformationThis resource was set up by the NHS to provide useful information on common conditions for patients .
HSE HomepageThe HSE has overall responsibility for healthcare in Ireland. Their webpage has many useful links to relevant information for patients.
Self Management
Please note we do not take responsibility for the information provided in this material. It is provided for educational purposes and is copyright of the original provider.